Metric Modulation Calculator

Metric Modulation

Metric modulation calculator

Based on the work of Dan Lis (, more info about Metric modulation here

Tempo marking (BPM) of piece/section

120 per minute

Note value before modulation
in a tuplet? yes no
Tuplet fits inside  3 -no value-
Ending note value in modulation
in a tuplet? yes no
Tuplet fits inside  3 -no value-
Ending tempo
Quarter equals (old)
Quarter equals (new)
┌ 3 ┐ ┌ 3 ┐
Licenza Creative Commons Enrico Dell'Aquila (2016)
Quest'opera è distribuita con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Internazionale.

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